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File: Pdf Certificate Online 226437 | Scr Lca Discussion Paper
leaving certificate applied programme discussion paper authors joanne banks emer smyth and selina mccoy economic and social research institute whitaker square sir john rogerson s quay dublin 2 tel 01 ...

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...Leaving certificate applied programme discussion paper authors joanne banks emer smyth and selina mccoy economic social research institute whitaker square sir john rogerson s quay dublin tel fax introduction this on the lca has been prepared for national council curriculum assessment ncca to inform a review of senior cycle school education in ireland purpose is draw together existing data highlight policy lessons that can be learned from these studies divided into three sections firstly we provide brief overview context international tracking differentiation second section provides analysis recent provision uptake using annual statistics department skills finally examine debates role function within focus primarily range empirical carried out covering following themes decision making around student pathways experiences outcomes after compared other leavers broader concludes with keys issues now future ie seniorcycle two year pre vocational offered at alongside established lce lcvp firs...

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