File: Excel Sample Sheet 32552 | Mktmonitorwithout Letter Derevised
sheet 1 notes note new monthly figures are shown in bold type revisions will be bolded 1 air passengers numbers are preliminary estimates of air passenger arrivals and departures at ...
Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 09 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sheet notes note new monthly figures are shown in bold type revisions will be bolded air passengers numbers preliminary estimates of passenger arrivals and departures at the edmonton international calgary airports from september total domestic fort mcmurray airport has been added source websites highway traffic these totals average daily number vehicles per day is calculated by dividing days month passing counter locations direction indicated for a particular automatic recorders counts all year to date cumulative alberta transportation s atr httpwwwtransportationalbertacahtm national park attendance reported as visits parks data unless otherwise noted banff jasper reflect independent travellers only do not include people travelling part tour group included annual edition market monitor canada employment food accommodation sector figure represents persons who worked pay profit or unpaid work services including businesses other ventures owned operated related family member during referen...