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...Enroute weather wx brief notes zulu time hst ast pst mst cst est vfr cruising altitutdes udc no hdt adt pdt mdt cdt edt magnetic course terminal and forecasts trends location forecast inclusive even odd thousands winds heading checkpoint dist gs fuel gph dir vel tc mc mh or fix leg ete eta flow fold altitude rem act ate ata at temp var wca dev ch off takeoff total navaid alt wind temperature aloft notams pireps significant c dauntless software flight www soft com totals planner faatest if you like our ll love faa test prep download it from in read be to up flipped can that so down upside is face this distribution use its for charged are monies permitted pilot user end theairport frequencies information by customization unmodified document intact remain notices copyright only of redistribution duplication h gp airport req atis w flo e tim clearance del m rp ffo t managemen v a latot res app cruiseb clim take l fue ground re pow taxi s initial date ctaf tower n iot emo igutaf alcoho stre...