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picture1_Flight Plan Pdf 232291 | Pea Icao Navlog

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File: Flight Plan Pdf 232291 | Pea Icao Navlog
navigation log departure airport elev n from to a c id tas dist time off total gal gph tpa wind navaid heading gs dist time fuel ifr checkpoints fixes compas ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 04 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Navigation log departure airport elev n from to a c id tas dist time off total gal gph tpa wind navaid heading gs fuel ifr checkpoints fixes compas route station direction tc th mh est leg ete eta act remain s headin vel temp freq alt wca var dev rem ate ata hh mm g ident top of climb arrival frequencies atis enroute totals clnc app clearance items start taxi runup ground tower approach ctaf r alternate dep reserve fss f unicom t cruise conditions icao flight plan aircraft rule type no wake turbulence equipment crusing speed level date surveilance utc proposed actual destination elapsed endurance persons on board supplemental remarks optional option color markings emergency radios jackets survival pilot contact information uhf vhf elba pre weather report present pirep notes destiation forecast inop navaids gps notams en...

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