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picture1_Vorlesung 02 Requirements Metrics Techniques

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File: Vorlesung 02 Requirements Metrics Techniques
center for information services and high performance computing zih performance analysis of computer systems requirements metrics techniques and mistakes holger brunst holger brunst tu dresden de matthias s mueller matthias ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Mar 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Center for information services and high performance computing zih analysis of computer systems requirements metrics techniques mistakes holger brunst tu dresden de matthias s mueller summary previous lecture introduction motivation recommended literature raj jain the art john wiley sons inc isbn rainer klar peter dauphin fran hartleb richard hofmann bernd mohr andreas quick markus siegle messung und modellierung paralleler verteilter rechensysteme b g teubner verlag stuttgart dongarra gentzsch eds benchmarks advances in parallel north holland x lars slide announcements class slides are available at http die zentrale einrichtungen lehre ws guided tour through our machine room thursday october th zellescher weg below bridge between willersbau treftzbau...

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