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picture1_Performance Ppt 78229 | 3 Quality

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File: Performance Ppt 78229 | 3 Quality
overview what are quality metrics and how can they be used what are the current problems in using these concepts to measure the quality and effectiveness of irbs how can ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 04 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Overview what are quality metrics and how can they be used the current problems in using these concepts to measure effectiveness of irbs we use our local programs improve performance irb kind should future or different types tools needed background definitions differ depending on upon context industry viewpoint most business engineering manufacturing adopted by many other sectors e g government health care applying principles underlying problematic is meaning an inherent distinguishing characteristic a property attribute personal trait especially character essential nature superiority degree grade excellence iso which set characteristics fulfills requirements perceptual conditional somewhat subjective understood differently people two common related functions control process reviewing all factors involved production goods services emphasizes testing verification audits checklists uncover defects deficiencies assurance systematic monitoring evaluation various aspects service facility ma...

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