micropython documentation release 1 9 1 damienp george paulsokolovsky andcontributors july 02 2017 contents 1 quickreference for the pyboard 1 1 1 general board control 1 1 2 delay and ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Micropython documentation release damienp george paulsokolovsky andcontributors july contents quickreference for the pyboard general board control delay and timing leds pins gpio servo external interrupts timers pwm pulsewidthmodulation adc analogtodigital conversion dac digital to analog uart serial bus spibus icbus information about local lesystem sd card boot modes errors ashing micropythontutorial introduction running your rst script getting a repl prompt turning on basic python concepts theswitch callbacks theaccelerometer safe mode factory reset makingthepyboardactasausbmouse thetimers inline assembler powercontrol tutorials requiring extra components tips tricks useful things know micropythonlibraries standard libraries micro specic thepyboardhardware i datasheets other micropythondifferences from cpython syntax core language builtin types modules micropythonlicense micropythondocumentationcontents themicropythonlanguage...