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picture1_Micropython Tutorial Pdf 220141 | Scientificmicropythononmicrocontrollerstutorialinstructions

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File: Micropython Tutorial Pdf 220141 | Scientificmicropythononmicrocontrollerstutorialinstructions
scientific micropython on microcontrollers tutorial instructions the tutorial speaker will bring one hardware kit i e pycom lopy4 https pycom io product lopy4 expansion board lora antenna bme280 sensor mpu6050 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Scientific micropython on microcontrollers tutorial instructions the speaker will bring one hardware kit i e pycom lopy https io product expansion board lora antenna bme sensor mpu jumper cables for each of attendees attendee is expected to have a linux or mac os windows computer with an microusb cable plus following free softwares installed telnet and ftp clients docs chapter gettingstarted programming repl html terminal tool screen putty similar installation drivers serial rshell github com dhylands ampy adafruit atom editor pymakr plugin visual studio code visualstudio vscode some tools above are redundant but it better redundancy if doesn t work configuration chose which his her preference scripts need so they won be useful majority users who don before...

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