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picture1_Python Pdf 186414 | Micropython Docs

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File: Python Pdf 186414 | Micropython Docs
micropython documentation release 1 10 damienp george paulsokolovsky andcontributors jan25 2019 contents 1 micropythonlibraries 1 1 1 python standard libraries and micro libraries 2 1 1 1 builtin functions and ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Micropython documentation release damienp george paulsokolovsky andcontributors jan contents micropythonlibraries python standard libraries and micro builtin functions exceptions array arraysofnumericdata cmath mathematicalfunctions for complex numbers gc controlthegarbage collector math sys systemspecicfunctions ubinascii binary asciiconversions ucollections collectionandcontainertypes uerrno systemerrorcodes uhashlib hashingalgorithms uheapq heapqueuealgorithm uio input output streams ujson jsonencodinganddecoding uos basic operating system services ure simpleregularexpressions uselect waitforeventsonasetofstreams usocket socketmodule ussl ssl tlsmodule ustruct packandunpackprimitivedatatypes utime timerelatedfunctions uzlib zlibdecompression thread multithreadingsupport specic btree simplebtreedatabase framebuf framebuffermanipulation machine functionsrelatedtothehardware accessandcontrolmicropythoninternals network networkconguration ucryptolib cryptographicciphers uctypes accessbi...

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