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picture1_Alternative Fuels Project Report Pdf 217820 | Fulltext01

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File: Alternative Fuels Project Report Pdf 217820 | Fulltext01
biomass briquettes in malawi olle faxalv olof nystrom division of energy systems degree project department of management and engineering liu iei tek a 07 00129 se minor field study mfs ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Biomass briquettes in malawi olle faxalv olof nystrom division of energy systems degree project department management and engineering liu iei tek a se minor field study mfs report nr issn abstract the forest disappears each year use firewood charcoal deriving from resources accounts for about household demand is cause to deforestation government recently launched programme called promotion alternative sources paesp with aim reduce one fuels included briquette this evaluate viability as sustainable source households research was carried out during three months visits were made number production sites manufacturing methods collect samples tested using various then compared results at moment are used high difference technical complexity cost machines produced wood very basic mechanics can apply similar pressure more advanced metal pressers they also seem be better suited than those terms price availability majority producers waste paper base material although good other raw materials will...

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