unit 4 properties and rating of fuels types of fuels liquid and gaseous fuels heating value of fuels higher and lower heating values chemical structure of hydro carbons si engine ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Unit properties and rating of fuels types liquid gaseous heating value higher lower values chemical structure hydro carbons si engine volatility characteristics desirable knock additives alternate for engines ci cetane biodiesels since the heat energy is derived from fuel a fundamental knowledge their essential to understand combustion phenomenon characteristic has considerable influence on design efficiency output particularly reliability durability further play an important role in atmospheric pollution caused by automobile internal can be operated different such as solid usually depends upon type used this was early during initial stages development finely powdered coal were however due problem handling well disposing off residue or ash after find little practical application today there are storage feeding problems associated with compared attempts being made produce charcoal use mostly modern basically they derivatives petroleum commercial benzyl alcohol products obtained crude oi...