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picture1_Fuel Pdf 217957 | C6 Fuels And Combustion 16 M

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File: Fuel Pdf 217957 | C6 Fuels And Combustion 16 M
ch 6 fuels and combustion 16 marks hpe 17407 ae4g 6 1 types of fuels 4 marks definition classification properties calorific value of fuels ultimate analysis and proximate analysis of ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Ch fuels and combustion marks hpe aeg types of definition classification properties calorific value ultimate analysis proximate solid liquid comparative information about composition specific gravity gross values fuel gaseous natural lpg cng other artificially prepared higher lower its estimation carbon evaporative power dulongs formula construction working bomb calorimeter chemistry hydrogen methane mass air required for complete excess a is defined as substance containing mostly which on burning with oxygen in atmospheric produces large amount heat the generated known r k yadav automobile engg dept new polytechnic kolhapur page any four water gas producer coal blast furnace coke oven oil requirement good should have low ignition point high freely burn efficiency not produce harmful gases be less quantity smoke economical easy to store safe convenient transportation or heating may given out by kg it expressed kcal at n t p s i system j kj mj h c v total liberated m including steam for...

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