2019 2020 ttc catalog culinary arts cul cul 103 nutrition lec 3 0 lab 0 credit 3 0 course offered fall spring this course is a study of general nutritional ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Ttc catalog culinary arts cul nutrition lec lab credit course offered fall spring this is a study of general nutritional needs the life cycle including carbohydrates proteins fats vitamins and minerals practical applications for food service professional are emphasized grade type letter division institute charleston introduction to summer survey introduces students world will be exposed history organizations branches field that offer different opportunities in profession prerequisite rwr or appropriate placement kitchen fundamentals foundations sanitation basic measurements equipment identification costing classical cooking techniques include stock soup sauce making apply moist dry heat while working with grains vegetables focuses on principles based ada standards international pyramids create menus prepare cook meals adhering balanced diet bkp american bistro theories producing soups salads sandwiches specials fast paced delivery system management human resources concepts an emphasis ...