fidelity msci communication services index etf fidelity msci consumer discretionary index etf fidelity msci consumer staples index etf fidelity msci energy index etf fidelity msci financials index etf fidelity msci ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Fidelity msci communication services index etf consumer discretionary staples energy financials health care industrials information technology materials real estate utilities semi annual report january contents note to shareholders investment summary schedule of investments financial statements notes shareholder expense example toviewafund sproxyvotingguidelines and proxy voting record forthe period endedjune visithttp www com proxyvotingresults orvisitthe securities exchange commission s sec web site athttp gov you may also call fidelityto requesta free copy ofthe guidelines thefundsorsecurities referred herein are notsponsored endorsed orpromoted by bears no liability with respectto any such funds or orany on which orsecurities based the prospectus contains a more detailed description limited relationship has related standard poor pands pareregisteredservicemarksofthemcgraw hillcompanies inc andhavebeenlicensedforusebyfidelitydistributors corporation otherthird party marks appearing ...