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picture1_Cultivation Of Wheat Pdf 214009 | 2 Shergill

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File: Cultivation Of Wheat Pdf 214009 | 2 Shergill
239 shergill optimal cropping in punjab wheat and paddy cultivation and the question of optimal cropping pattern for punjab h s shergill punjab university chandigarh this paper examines the causes ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Shergill optimal cropping in punjab wheat and paddy cultivation the question of pattern for h s university chandigarh this paper examines causes continued dominance it is argued that under present scenario represents best congruency a variety factors such as market infrastructure msp capital base etc gives highest income level to cultivators recognizing problems like declining water table environment degrading soil caused by these can be tackled through alternative legislative measures without disturbing rotation on strength economic theory evidence failure crop diversification policy government launched recently incompatibility with modern commercial farming has been brought out confusion over agriculture continues there constant call some economists massive shift area from crops pulses oilseeds vegetables change existing state they are projecting panacea solving current agrarian also adopted major plank its agricultural making efforts induce farmers other adjustment scheme submitted ...

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