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picture1_Crop Production Pdf 213738 | Wheat Item Download 2023-02-16 20-15-03

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File: Crop Production Pdf 213738 | Wheat Item Download 2023-02-16 20-15-03
1 wheat the crop for ensuring indian food security 1 prologue the cultivation of wheat dates back to more than 5000 years back during the era of indus valley civilization ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Wheat the crop for ensuring indian food security prologue cultivation of dates back to more than years during era indus valley civilization where original species was triticum sphaerococcum popularly known as has now disappeared and replaced by present day aestivum or common bread durum macaroni dicoccum emmer independence country dependent on import meet demand due lodging prone low yielding nature under high fertility conditions there remained a continuous need breakthrough in production received pl agreement continued be main base which large population india it finally dream dr norman e borlaug father green revolution mid sixties that came true materialize spurt indo gangetic plains became surplus from deficient one this led achievement hunger free world then plays major role creating global status level had quantum jump million tones an area ha about hectares currently is second largest producer after china with share total position export international market can earn foreign exc...

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