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picture1_Cultivation Of Wheat Pdf 213930 | Cultivation Of Wheat

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File: Cultivation Of Wheat Pdf 213930 | Cultivation Of Wheat
cultivation of wheat crop introduction wheat triticum spp is world s most widely cultivated food crops it is mainly a rabi season crop in india it has played a very ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Cultivation of wheat crop introduction triticum spp is world s most widely cultivated food crops it mainly a rabi season in india has played very vital role stabilizing the grain production country over past few years second important staple cereal nutritive value component flour moisture protein n x cellulose fiber oil and fat mineral matter ash carbohydrates importance utility also used for manufacturing bread flakes cakes biscuits etc classification indian wheats emmer dicoccum schub l macroni t durum desf common vulgare host aestivum origin history being since pre historic times from all possible record seems that its centre south western asia believed aryans brought grains to according de candolle was originated eupharates tigris spread there china egypt other parts valilov after extensive studies came conclusion kathiya probably region abyssinia where as whole group soft which includes pakistan afghanistan southern mountainous bokhara climate requirements wide adaptability can be...

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