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picture1_Wsu Bulletin Fs162e Garlic

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File: Wsu Bulletin Fs162e Garlic
vegetables growing garlic in home gardens washington state university extension fact sheet fs162e crop at a glance growing season fall midsummer time of planting fall spacing 4 6 inches apart ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Vegetables growing garlic in home gardens washington state university extension fact sheet fse crop at a glance season fall midsummer time of planting spacing inches apart rows spaced days to harvest approximately yield bulbs per foot row common starting method direct sowing seed introduction figure and cloves photo donovan govan wikimedia commons for gardeners the northwest allium sativum is easy grow prolific can be stored use scapes several months after it harvested bill thorness hardy perennial that overwinter grown as an annual because its first year growth related onion cepa both are members lily family distinguished from onions by flat leaves flower buds although most softneck types do not produce stalks or enclosed parchment like sheath bulb consists small situated around sturdy modified stem immature flow er stems plants called begin form when scape removed plant focus more energy on production which results larger edible should carefully pinched cut off just above top leaf te...

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