center for crop diversification crop profile ccd cp 99 garlic and elephant garlic 1 2 cheryl kaiser and matt ernst introduction garlic allium sativum is commonly used as a fla ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Center for crop diversification profile ccd cp garlic and elephant cheryl kaiser matt ernst introduction allium sativum is commonly used as a fla voring food condiment medicinal purposes the milder flavored ampeloprasum actually leek that produces large cloves marketing direct farmers markets roadside on farm stands community supported agriculture most option kentucky grown whole saling to local supermarkets specialty stores also an in addition bulbs reported health benefits supply volume soared can be sold number of other forms imma u s during exceeding pounds per ture plants may marketed scallions re person remaining between ferred green flower stalks scapes har from imported became much vested hardneck types sought ingredient larger part around record spreads pestos item imports resulted highest ever tops greens availability domestic production increased value added techniques include braiding offset lower pickling there no market commercially pro consumers have been receptive organ...