garlic empire group ginger garlic turmeric farming pascal logistics international copyright 2019 1 p a g e garlic empire group ginger garlic turmeric farming farming and training in kenya zambia ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Garlic empire group ginger turmeric farming pascal logistics international copyright p a g e and training in kenya zambia zimbabwe bostwana nigeria south africa introduction of what is has high concentration sulphur containing compounds thiosulfinates which include allicin are the main active components it also contains levels saponins phosphorus potassium sulfur zinc moderate selenium vitamins c low calcium magnesium sodium iron manganese b complex health benefits treats infections an antimicrobial effect on bacteria yeast fungi parasites viruses inhibit dna rna protein production microbes boosts immune system extract stimulates white blood cells lymphocytes macrophages monocytes neutrophils by increasing glutathione that provide protection against while antioxidant protects from free radicals helps treat cold flu reduced severity colds number t nk boosting fresh inhibited growth candida most common type inhibits destroying fats present outer surface prevents tooth decay oral antibact...