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picture1_Factors Affecting Agriculture Pdf 213513 | 0404202016421234200402

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File: Factors Affecting Agriculture Pdf 213513 | 0404202016421234200402
title of the course rainfed agriculture and watershed management rd nd class 3 year 2 sem title of the topic watershed management concept objective principles and components and factors affecting ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Title of the course rainfed agriculture and watershed management rd nd class year sem topic concept objective principles components factors affecting college coa ganjbasoda name teacher dr p k mishra word introduced in was used for water parting boundaries is that land area which drains or contributes runoff to a common outlet defined as geo hydrological unit draining point by system all lands on earth are part one other thus an bounded drainage divide within surface collects flows out through single into lager river lake technology areas objectives production food fodder fuel b pollution control c over exploitation resources should be minimized d storage flood checking sedimentation e wild life preservation f erosion prevention soil degradation conservation g employment generation industrial development dairy fishery h recharging ground provide regular supply consumption industry well irrigation i recreational facility utilizing based its capability protecting fertile top layer minimi...

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