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picture1_Factors Affecting Agriculture Pdf 213917 | 346917 Factors Affecting Production Of Cereal C 47dbd1a4

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File: Factors Affecting Agriculture Pdf 213917 | 346917 Factors Affecting Production Of Cereal C 47dbd1a4
economic affairs vol 66 no 2 pp 195 200 june 2021 doi 10 46852 0424 2513 2 2021 3 research paper factors affecting production of cereal crops in rajasthan the ...

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...Economic affairs vol no pp june doi research paper factors affecting production of cereal crops in rajasthan the cobb douglas analysis devendra kumar verma hari singh and girdhari lal meena ph d scholar department agricultural economics management college agriculture mpuat udaipur india asst prof corresponding author devendraecon gmail com orcid id x received revised accepted abstract indian economy is an emerging but it still because most people earn their livelihood from present study was carried out to determine cereals this based on secondary data inputs such as seed fertilizer manure human labor irrigation bullock plant protection collected over years i e function used estimate elasticities selected variables contributing state assess effects measures results have shown that water were positively significant at same time variable significantly negative wheat found positive while negatively affected barley only two namely maize contrast be non a effect bajra highlights m estimating...

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