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picture1_Maize Cultivation Pdf 213217 | 2017010514additional Income Through Maize Cultivation

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File: Maize Cultivation Pdf 213217 | 2017010514additional Income Through Maize Cultivation
success story additional income through maize cultivation challenge the farmers of village khudra faladi under belbari ado circle of barpeta district are predominantly engaged in cultivation of paddy rabi vegetables ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Success story additional income through maize cultivation challenge the farmers of village khudra faladi under belbari ado circle barpeta district are predominantly engaged in paddy rabi vegetables economic needs met crops and other this have felt that gradually becoming non viable as cost benefit ratio was sometimes not their favour therefore they wanted an alternate crop which will provide more than president md nur nabi ali secretary jeherul islam seuji pps approached discussed about suitable bring them a good return initiative after several discussion between stakeholder aea it decided to grow on experimental basis traditional like mustard potato etc were directed by identify probable willing adopt package practice finally bigha land made available for with nos stakeholders provided qtls hybrid variety nmh seed scheme rkvy sown active guideline participation periodic supervision visit departmental official also encouraged proper key result at present harvested production qtl ha is ...

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