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File: 5302010
time series workbook 53020 balance of payments and international investment position australia table 10 income credits quarter enquiries series data item description type series id primary income credits original a3531886a ...

icon picture XLSX Filetype Excel XLSX | Posted on 16 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Time series workbook balance of payments and international investment position australia table income credits quarter enquiries data item description type id primary original aa compensation employees aj ax direct at on equity funoriginal ar funodr iginal ishginaal isginal af funodriginal interest investor in inveoriginal enterpriseos riiginal between fellow enterprises memorandum fisim portfolio ac ioriginal av ionvriginal aw ionveriginal ak ionriginal shortterm central bank general goveoriginal depository cooriginal other sectorsoriginal longterm al coor riginal sectors withdrawals from quasicoropriginal attributable to poloi government corporations reserve assets fundo rent taxes production imports subsidies seasonally investmseeasonally equistyeasonally incom...

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