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picture1_Runaway Maize June 2015

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File: Runaway Maize June 2015
runaway maize subsidised soil destruction june 2015 in the decade between 1990 and 2000 total maize acreage in england trebled and has continued to increase 350 300 250 200 150 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Runaway maize subsidised soil destruction june in the decade between and total acreage england trebled has continued to increase area hectares damages soils executive crops have severe negative impacts on public goods like fresh water many farmers are being paid summary cause significant harm these interests this is a national scandal leave exposed during much of growing problem season usually harvested late probably most rapidly crop uk year when often wet so with heavy rain up from just runs off surface compacted damaged fields polluting waterways pesticides nutrients causing floods used as silage for animal feed especially dairy cattle but increasingly grown an estimates suggest that storms rainfall energy anaerobic digesters ad winter every hectare block money produce gas fuel land under stubble produced equivalent olympic swimming pools more than million litres produces high yields both per additional runoff cubic meter biogas because it readily bulk product become core feedstock ...

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