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picture1_Agronomy Pdf 213213 | Abduh Et A 2021, Pjbs

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File: Agronomy Pdf 213213 | Abduh Et A 2021, Pjbs
open access pakistan journal of biological sciences issn 1028 8880 doi 10 3923 pjbs 2021 716 723 research article interaction of genetic and cultivation technology in maize prolific and productivity ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Open access pakistan journal of biological sciences issn doi pjbs research article interaction genetic and cultivation technology in maize prolific productivity increase a dwie mochammad abduh rusnadi padjung muh farid abd haris bahrun muhammad fuad anshori nasaruddin ifayanti ridwan amin nur taufik agriculture system study program graduate school hasanuddin university makassar south sulawesi indonesia department agronomy faculty perintis kemerdekaan street km assessment institute for gorontalo center jl no pai ctusbdu bdlhspvoe boe ckfdujwf bj f dvmujwbujpo ufdiopmphz qbdlbhf efwfmpqnfou jt b tpmvujpo jo jodsfbtjoh nbj qspevdujpo ftqfdjbmmz qspmjgjd pxfwfs fwbmvbujpo ibt up cf fwbmvbufe xjui joufsbdujpo upxbset dspq hfofujdt if qvsqptf pg uijt sftfbsdi ejtdpwfs uif cfuxffo wbsjfuz qmbou gfsujmj bujpo tqbdjoh gjoe jogpsnbujpo bcpvu tfdpoebsz dibsbdufst ufdiojrvf pqujnj bufsjbmt fuipet ijt vtfe tqmju qmpu eftjho nbjo xbt qmboujoh tztufn dpotjtufe uisff tztufnt vc mpu joh qmbot ibg gpvs ...

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