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File: Agronomy Pdf 213356 | 9 2 7 444
international journal of chemical studies 2021 9 2 183 186 p issn 2349 8528 e issn 2321 4902 www chemijournal com to access the performance of different varieties of ijcs ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...International journal of chemical studies p issn e www chemijournal com to access the performance different varieties ijcs wheat in terms growth and yield received accepted neeraj singh shashank shekher gajendra raghvendra shivendra pratap anand department agronomy a n d u t kumarganj doi https org chemi v ic ayodhya uttar pradesh india abstract field experiment was conducted during rabi season at research farm university agriculture technology up find out effect dates sowing on consisted treatment combinations comprised four tested split plot design with three replications observation parameters were recorded analyzed statistically maximum values all attributes significantly highest november sown crop being par but superior over december keywords introduction occupies second place after rice it is cultivated an area million ha production tones having productivity tonnes genetics anonymous as per indian council agricultural demand for plant breeding anduat country will reach by most th...

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