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picture1_Agricultural Pdf 213193 | Bsc Hons Iags Agronomy

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File: Agricultural Pdf 213193 | Bsc Hons Iags Agronomy
curriculum for the degree of b sc hons agriculture major agronomy four years program institute of agricultural sciences university of the punjab lahore page 1 of 77 scheme of studies ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Curriculum for the degree of b sc hons agriculture major agronomy four years program institute agricultural sciences university punjab lahore page scheme studies st semester course no title credit hours type agr basic comp ss introduction to soil science fc hort introductory horticulture eng exercise in reading writing comprehension cs information and communication technologies math elementary mathematics is islamic total hrs compulsory interdisciplinary foundation nd horticultural crop production ah animal husbandry supp ae economics stat statistics frw forest watershed management cp general physiology id irrigation drainage practices ps pakistan supporting rd name pbg genetics plant breeding fst food technology ento entomology mab agribusiness rangeland wildlife vmd veterinary preventive medicines fmp farm mechanization field i th pp pathology processing preservation applied aee extension skills leadership development rs rural sociology ii list additional courses mb basics molecular ...

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