File: Garlic Farming Pdf 213028 | 4ijhaf Jun20226 Profit
international journal of horticulture agriculture and food science ijhaf issn 2456 8635 issue doi https dx doi org 10 22161 ijhaf 6 4 article doi https dx doi org 10 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...International journal of horticulture agriculture and food science ijhaf issn issue doi https dx org article profit analysis garlic seed farming in jangkat subdistrict merangin regency a rahman ardhiyan saputra department agribusiness university jambi jl raya muaro bulian indonesia email abdur jambee yahoo co id unja ac received jun revised form aug accepted available online the author s published by ai publications this is an open access under cc license creativecommons licenses abstract important commodity controlling inflation besides chilies shallots cpo or cooking oil last ten years import condition horticultural products especially has...