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picture1_Contract Example Pdf 206714 | D7fd26677b73721fef92adf0ee31c7dc

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File: Contract Example Pdf 206714 | D7fd26677b73721fef92adf0ee31c7dc
annexure b scope of work cleaning services the aim and objective is to provide a high level of a clean hygienic and presentable look to the entire area pre designated ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Annexure b scope of work cleaning services the aim and objective is to provide a high level clean hygienic presentable look entire area pre designated managers supervisors contractor will supervise awarded has ensure that staff deployed dressed in neat uniform approved by esic thrissur officials monitor de ployed selected tenderer daily housekeeping should be done from monday saturday at regular intervals so areas covered under contract remain spic span all time working hours adjusted such manner morning completed well before am arrange manpower for spe cial vip visits following tasks are conducted dusting vacuuming disinfecting floors walls ceilings removal waste any other garbage as halls conference rooms committee office cabins cubicles etc sweeping mopping with disinfectant cleaner including staircases lobbies reception training meeting security baskets wastepaper cob webs disposing off col lected refuse site on basis doors windows furniture fixtures fans equipment accessories glas...

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