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picture1_Slideshare Management 75082 | Contract Admin Ppt Aapm

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File: Slideshare Management 75082 | Contract Admin Ppt Aapm
it s a different contracting world it s a different contracting world performance based acquisition fundamentally performance based acquisition fundamentally changed contract formation and administration changed contract formation and administration ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...It s a different contracting world performance based acquisition fundamentally changed contract formation and administration objectives structured into contracts multiple incentive arrangements contractors federal staff adjusting to cultural change when does management start old view started at award embodied post orientation new effective starts early with planning begins during the phase recognizes elements of plan is in place before or shortly after time what are government protocols require establish requirements results oriented manner ensure that measures expectations measurable correspond work quality assurance surveillance plans tailored incorporate cost constraints incentives guide guides provides guidance on structuring cont rules mandated pbcs outcome positive negative included required officers responsibilities other used maximum extent practicable use types best fits likely motivate shall contain inspection acceptance criteria corresponding standards sow...

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