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24 Government Articles

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Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 24 txt files containing articles about Government. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. Advantages Of Federalism
..... Federalism is a legal and political concept suggesting that law is best made in a twofold relationship: centrally and locally. Operative in many nations around the world under many different guises, federalism is centred on the principle that locality is key to effective governance. It holds that by making laws at a local level, the legislators can take advantage of local knowledge and opinion, whilst also lightening the load centrally for governance on the wider ranging issues. This is not only bureaucratically significant, but also politically in the sense that those in power through the majority of local areas will surely assume power overall, thus creating fairer representation. Ultimately, in theory, federalism satisfies the will of the people more accurately than a purely central system of governance, which is one of the many reasons it has become so popular in recent years. In this article, we will discuss the main advantages of federalism as a legal order, and look at the main reasons for its growing popularity and strength across the world. The first argument put forward for a federalist legal order is that a central government is too cumbersome when it comes to legislating over region specific matters. Take the United Kingdom, for an example. The UK government in London was often required to legislate on agricultural and fisheries matters that related to issues over 1,000 miles away in the North of Scotland. In this scenario, it would be unrealistic to expect the central government to have the requisite local knowledge and understanding required to make an effective decision for the prosperity of the region. In this sense, it is argued that a federalist legal order is more desirable, on the basis of making 'small time' decisions that affect specific localities with which it is acquainted. This has proven to be one of the strongest features of the federalist system, which largely relates to local people and their specific needs, and engages in political and legal decision making 'closer to home'. .....


2. Alienation Of Assets
..... In commercial terms, the world revolves around insolvency. Insolvency is the process whereby one's entire patrimony (i.e. the totality of one's assets) is liquidated in order to satisfy his total debts that have grown beyond his means. Insolvency procedures are problematic in that they mean liquidation of personal assets such as one's home and one's car. Unfortunately there are few ways to avoid insolvency, which most normally occurs through poor judgement or 'bad luck'. Fortunately, there are numerous ways in which the potential implications of insolvency procedures can be minimised to prevent loss of assets. For the lay-man, this can involve certain minor legal procedures which could ultimately save a fortune. For creditors, this can be particularly bad news. In this article we will look at entirely legal ways in which you can potentially avoid losing assets in insolvency procedures. If you are running a small business, or likely to do so in the next decade, you must act on the following immediately to protect your assets. Alternatively, if you foresee yourself amassing significant unsecured debt in the coming years, you should also act similarly. Allowing a ten year margin, which might seem a lot, will prevent any challenges on sequestration and ensure that the assets you have 'alienated' no longer form part of your estate. The alienation ensures that the assets from which you will still benefit cannot be received by your creditors in consideration for any debts you accrue. .....


3. Animal Control
..... In America today, there are states that are actively pushing pet owners to be controlled by law. States such as California are enacting laws in which pet owners are forced to spay or neuter their pets. This is something that many are talking about as the answer to the pet over population problems. Is this truly the answer? Many prominent breeders are upset by this attempt to control the rights of individual pet lovers. What is the correct answer? Should the states be allowed to force individual pet owners to do this? What about the puppy mills that are operated in states all across the country, why is something not done to shut them down, rather than force individual breeders to have their breeding stock spayed and neutered. Many do not realize that the sport of dog showing requires a dog in the show ring to still be intact; any sexually altered dogs are immediately disqualified from competition .....


4. Children And Violence
..... How far does violence extend, how do we determine exactly who is responsible for the violence that children are seeing on television and in music. What about video games, who is taking the responsibility for the violence and awful things that, are occurring right before the eyes of the youth today. Many politicians are looking to eagerly blame the media and entertainment industry. Is that the correct place to lay the blame? Perhaps parents are the people ultimately to blame. More parents today than ever before are working longer hours just to stay afloat financially. This alone results in phenomenal numbers of children being left with a television as the babysitter in charge of teaching right from wrong. How does a child learn the difference between right and wrong, when their parents are nowhere to be found? Where does the parents' responsibility to parent a child and the governments' right to parent a child merge? .....


5. Conservative Vs Liberal
..... Many people do not really understand the difference between a conservative and a liberal. How do you really know which side of the spectrum you fall on? In this article, we are going to explain some of the differences, so that as political figures are discussing conservative and liberal ideals you know exactly what is going on. The first side of the issue is the conservative side. The conservatives tends to want to preserve things they way they are, for example they dislike change, and do not want things to change in the way the country is run, how people come into power, and how civil rights are handed out. Conservatives appreciate in real terms the importance of building and maintaining the economy to the benefit of society as a whole. Many conservatives are also considered to appreciate having an exclusive inner circle that controls the entire country, although in mainstream politics this is rarely a salient feature. .....


6. Contract Formation
..... Contract law is one of the most important area of the law that affects us all in our daily lives. Although we seldom sign a written document, we go into shops daily, we travel on public transport, we park in parking lots - these are largely all contracts into which we bind ourselves to terms and conditions. We may not be strictly aware of it, but we all participate in contractual obligations on both sides of the fence every single day. It is therefore no surprise that the issue of when exactly a contract is formed is of the utmost importance in regulating commerce and life as a consumer. Furthermore, how can we enforce our contracts, and what rights do we have under these contracts that we agree to almost subliminally day in day out. In this article, we will look at some of the key issues surrounding contract formation, and general principles of the law on contract, which govern transactions we experience in our daily lives. In general laymen's terms, we think of a contract as a detailed written document, and we understand that when we sign that dotted line, there's no turning back. Actually, that's a myth. Of course, there is definitely the possibility of receiving a written contract to sign, and indeed this would be legally binding. However there is a very real possibility of being legally bound to a contract that you don't even realise exists. A contract can be formed by way of simply verbally saying you agree to buy some item. That is sufficient to bind you in law for most transactions, and on that basis it would be perfectly feasible to found a claim for breach. Of course, the difficulty then arises in proving what was said, which is why in practical terms more often than not a written document is used for transactions of a substantial nature. This avoids the problem of frivolous claims as to who said what and when such and such a term was agreed, which can lead to complications and lead to lengthy litigation .....


7. Criminalizing Attempted Crimes
..... The criminal law is designed with a view to protecting the individual rights of the citizen and the health and well being of society as a cohesive unit. In this regard, it is responsible for setting the parameters of social conduct, and for ensuring consistent application of principle and doctrine across the board. One of the most controversial areas of the criminal law is undoubtedly its role in penalising criminal attempts. When one attempts criminal behaviour but does not complete it, should that person still be liable as a matter of public policy? What if a prospective criminal stops a second from shooting their victim, deciding not to follow through their criminal intent? Furthermore, should a criminal be penalised for trying to commit a crime that is factually impossible? In this article, we will consider each of these arguments and look at possible ways in which they could be more effective treated. Criminal law usually concerns itself with punishing those who have committed wrongs against the person or against society, and this is generally very effective in ensuring a sense of lawful community and deterring the bulk of criminals in their actions. However, one of the most pertinent questions most legal systems face is when, if at all, to intervene in perfectly legal behaviour in aid to stop a crime from happening? Consider the example of a gunman looking to murder a close friend. He buys a firearm. Is he arrested at this point for attempted murder? He goes to a hill near his friend's house with the gun. Here? He takes aim and begins to squeeze the trigger? How about now? It is very tough to interpret the most advantageous point to intervene in potentially criminal behaviour. On one hand there is the threat of encroaching on civil liberties, whilst on the other there is an obvious threat to life and life, as well as property. Drawing the line has been particularly hard in recent times, and has caused government draftsmen a number of headaches in interpreting what the law should be. .....


8. Hilary Clinton For President
..... Who knew that the 2008 election would have the Democrats swinging two mighty powerful punches in such a short time frame? As a woman poised to run for the ascending Democrats, Hillary stands a chance of actually winning. Is that the scary part, or is the scary part that she is running against the first black man to actually stand a chance of winning? Clinton has hit the campaign trail hot and heavy working on building up her bank account for primary expenses and is busily planning her campaign. People are left to wonder is Hillary Rodham Clinton going to be the first female president of the United States? She has already lived in the White House before, and is fairly familiar with the job, but is the sting of having two members of the Bush family so close together going to be a bit too much for voters to tolerate with the Clinton family? As a freshman, Senator Clinton made a very powerful impression and has performed particularly well for the state of New York. Will Hillary be able to maintain this momentum through the election? Moreover, will she garner enough support from within her own party to take the victory she so truly desires? .....


9. Human Rights Vs Civil Liberties In Europe
..... One of the most defining legal motions of the last hundred years on a worldwide scale is the European Convention on Human Rights, which imposed for the first time a codified standard of behaviour that all signatories must meet. Although the document is referred to in a specifically European context, it is truly important throughout the world as a clear guideline for reference to matters on human rights. But what about before the Convention - what were the protections for the citizen against encroachment from the authorities, and what recourse was there for grievances? In this article we will look at the position of many European countries prior to the Convention and after, to highlight the change in legal position for the average citizen. The European Convention of Human Rights codified a number of key human rights principles which were required to be satisfied by those that ratified it at law. For monitoring the behaviour of the signatories, a European Court was established to hear grievances against member states, with the ability to air problems and effectively embarrass nations into compliance. Since its inception, the court has been exceptionally successful in enforcing the provisions within the convention. No one member state wants the embarrassment of a public trial, and therefore they bend over backwards to accommodate for the needs of the Convention. Has it worked? Well it has certainly massively overhauled the nature of private, criminal and public in almost every regard and this has lead to widespread disruption. However, it looks almost undoubted that the European Convention on Human Rights is having a positive effect on the rights of the citizens across Europe, including in the wealthier nations. .....


10. Internet And Politics
..... In the past, political figures relied upon the news in the form of television stations and even newspapers to release information to the public, i.e. direct to the electorate. Now with the invention of the internet, more political figures are releasing their own information. How does this affect the release of information? Does this add to the impact of law and government on society, or is this merely a direct root to brainwashing the public. Furthermore, is it good to use political figures time releasing information when they should be enacting change? In this article we will look at the relationship between the internet and politics, and whether the move towards more accessibility and greater personal accounting is beneficial to democracy and government. The correct answers are never easy to find, however with some work, analysis and thought it is possible to come up with the right answer. The right answer is there is no answer - isn't that horrific. Each politician has different means of how comfortable they are on the internet. Using the internet has allowed some to maintain a closer proximity to the people they represent, while others have used it as a means to avoid personal contact with the people. Either way, the Internet is obviously a powerful campaigning tool, and most politicians seemed to have realized and utilized this within their own campaigns. .....


11. National Budget
..... When the Senators, Congress people, and President all gather around to start discussing issues of the budget, many people get worried. One of the biggest worries is that taxes will rise, and there will still be a deficit. This worry is fueled each year, because as the inflation rate rises, the money must come from somewhere to fund everything that is necessary for the government to function. Some are questioning how rational some of the spending is however. Many departments could use a serious slim down, while other departments desperately need more money. While the defense of the nation is very important, many question why schools and education are not given a larger portion of the budget so that proper job training can be administered. This would enable students to graduate with a better understanding of the career world into more graduate-centric employment opportunities, such as those within the services sector. .....


12. Online Legality
..... The Internet is the most important social and economic change since the development of currency and the organisation of civilisation as we know it, and it has certainly has a profound effect on our everyday lives. The Internet is the home of many of our businesses, a vital channel for communication with loved ones, and one of the most important knowledge resources the world has ever known. If you're doing business online, just like the offline environment, it is imperative that you operate within and understand the law in your area. Not only does this avoid potential problems, but it also ensures the smooth running of business and trade. In this article we will look at certain fundamental issues when doing business online, and how they can be effective in determining how we run our online operations with a view to profit. Online businesses almost always operate through websites of their own, which brings in a number of pertinent legal issues. Primarily, the consideration of what is allowed to be published should be forefront in the mind of the webmaster. As a general rule, only very 'inappropriate' material would be considered invalid online, such as certain categories of pornography and terrorist information. Of course, the Internet is heralded as the one true bastion of free speech, which is somewhat of an exaggeration. It is, however, important to remember that by and large the majority of content on the internet isn't policed which is a good thing and a negative thing in equal measure. Secondly the issue of copyright will obviously play a big part. How can I protect my website from information theft? This is proving to be an extreme problem for the music industry, currently losing billions of dollars in lost sales through P2P file sharing programmes. At present there is very little that can be done at large to protect online content, other than pursuing a course of legal action against every violator. It is suggested that a move towards internet copyright policing would be very welcomed. .....


13. Parole
..... For those who do not know, parole is a program that is used to allow criminal offenders early release from the prison system. It is designed to reflect prolonged periods of 'good behavior' and reform and rehabilitation, although it has come under a great deal of criticism at many different levels for allowing criminals to roam free before serving their time. Parolee's are not given a free pass into public however; a parole officer monitors them at all times during their free time to ensure their behavior is appropriate and to ensure no further criminal activity is being undertaken. The parole officer is essence acts as the guards did in prison monitoring the behavior and movements of the offenders, with the difference being that the offender is allowed to integrate back into society on a graduated basis to avoid the chance of reoffending and any potential danger to the public. In this article, we will look at some of the key arguments for and against parole as a method of rehabilitating and reintegrating prisoners back into society. Some argue that releasing inmates early is a hazard to the safety of society. Others argue that there should be stricter guidelines in place to determine, who is eligible for parole. This has been a very touchy issue with several states in setting up specific guidelines that determine parole eligibility. Many victims are upset to find out that their attacker is eligible for parole; this causes great stress to the victims who were already attacked once and now feels as if they are being attacked again. Although this is clearly an understandable situation, it is also naturally important to consider the rights of the prisoner, and to reflect true reform and rehabilitation in a steady and progressive manner, thus ensuring they manage to find their way back into society after serving time without facing too many problems. .....


14. Prison Reform
..... Many states are faced with a daunting number of inmates who are incarcerated currently for a variety of crimes. Each state is given the responsibility for ensuring the prisons meet federal guidelines in accordance to housing requirements. There are prisons around the country that are housing more inmates than they have the capacity to handle. Who is looking out for the inmates to ensure they are treated humanely in accordance with the constitution? In this article, we will look at some of the key suggestions put forward for reform of the penal system at federal and state level, in addition to analyzing the arguments for both sides in attempting to reach a conclusion that is fair and just for both the victim and the offender, as well as society. There are prisons across the nation that are putting 3 and sometimes as many as 4 inmates into cells that were designed to house only 2. This is a serious danger for health reasons, as well as the safety of the inmates. While inmate safety is a concern, it should be a major cause of concern for guard safety. Guards are monitoring more inmates than they can handle, which cause quickly create very dangerous situations. The guards have a job to do, they are unable to do so if they are watching more inmates than they can handle. .....


15. Racial Segregation In Politics
..... It was not so many years ago that there was a deeply seated notion that black people were incapable of the thoughts needed to handle a political office. Not so many years ago, black people were still considered slaves. Groups such as the Ku Klux Klan or KKK were all the rage in the south, and the segregation issues were widespread across the nation. While the north has always been more accepting, it has turned that the south, while deeply rooted in the traditions of the past, are starting to notice that black people are truly real human beings. They are capable of thoughts, ideas, and ideals about how to improve the areas in which they live, as far as a white person is similarly capable of these traits. People have shown a sway towards understanding the equality of people as human beings, rather than being blinded by the mere irrelevancy of skin color. .....


16. Tackling Global Warming
..... As we move towards the future, technology is developing rapidly to assist in solving our problems. These problems range from simple issues, such as improving the quality of paper products to the advanced such as improving the quality of life and condition of our planet. Global warming is one of the topics that many of our politicians all decide to sit around and talk about, without showing much progress, which is a cause of great frustration for peoples all over the world. Too often the politicians involved are too caught up with trying to prove their opponent wrong to actually improve the situation. This causes further problems, and compounds the problem. Each time the topic is revisited it causes heated discussions from members of parties who drive large expensive cars, which consume gallons of gas, and release large quantities of smog into the air. No one wants to lead the way, and why should they? Conservative politics pays their bills. .....


17. Tackling International Litigation
..... One of the main problems with doing business across international frontiers, particularly online business, is that of international litigation, given that it can be hard to exercise rights in a foreign jurisdiction. It is perhaps one of the biggest dangers with contracting internationally that in the event of dispute, both parties claim their law is trump, which causes some obvious problems as they struggle towards an amicable outcome. However, there are many ways around this situation for the savvy internet lawyer, including the widely used choice of law clause and the mutual arbitration or adjudication, which can help bypass this situation. In this article we will look at a practical approach to tackling online litigation, and the ways in which a party can look to resolve problems across national frontiers. Initially, good dispute resolution begins with prevention, which means good and effective drafting of the contract. Before transacting with anyone online, it is essential that you are fully aware of their terms and conditions of service and ensure you clarify anything you'd like to see in the contract. If your proposals aren't accepted, you're far better to avoid transacting to avoid problems, particularly where substantial money is at stake. Alternatively, if you are drafting an agreement from scratch it is imperative that you decide mutually on the terms, particularly what is known as the choice of law clause. Choice of law refers to a particular designation in the contractual terms which stipulates that in the event of a dispute, both parties submit to an exclusive jurisdiction. This is usually to the favour of the seller's knowledge, although may even be a neutral jurisdiction to avoid perceived bias. Provided that the choice of law is stipulated in advance, it is a particularly effective way of ensuring disputes are properly resolved to the satisfaction of both parties. .....


18. The Agency Relationship
..... One of the most important relationships in commercial reality is that of the agent. Often employed in purchasing internationally, or indeed in negotiating the conclusion of a contract, the agent is seen in law as an extension of the principal for whom he acts, with the uncharacteristic authority to make decisions and enter contracts on behalf of another. However, what is the extent of the agent's authority? How far can he really go in acting for his client before he ends up creating problems? Furthermore, what happens when the agent goes beyond his allotted authority to make unauthorised decisions on behalf of his agent? In this article we will look at some of the founding principles of the agency relationship, its importance, and some of the key considerations for modern debate. Agency can normally arises in a number of situations, although these can broadly be categorised as follows. An agency relationship can be created by express notification, that is by way of a contract outlining his authority. It can be created impliedly, that is by implication of law or by permitting someone to act as agent on your behalf, and it can also be created by ratification, an unusual and counter-logical provision that allows principals to 'ratify' the unauthorised actions of an agent at a later date. This means in effect the agent can bind a third party with retrospective effect, as the ratification gives the agents authority force from when the contract was entered into. Of course, this means the third party could sustain loss, although this can be countered by allowing an action against the agent, or indeed the principal for the time delay and any damage sustained in material terms. .....


19. The Concept Of Ownership
..... One of the most fundamental concepts in private law, regardless of the jurisdiction, is the concept of ownership. What belongs to who is fundamental in many aspects of the law, ranging from who bears the risk during the process of sale through to whether or not a theft has been committed. Furthermore, ownership can be vital in cases of personal insolvency and taxation law, showing its significantly wider implications on the legal systems in which it forms a part. For the most of Europe and America, the common law forms the bulk of the law of the jurisdiction. That means that the law if a formulation of past results, interpretations, cases, and authoritative academic writings, and sort of moulds into what is required of it, thus creating an advantageous flexibility and dynamism that is necessary to strengthen and boost economies. In the common law jurisdictions, property ownership naturally differs greatly, as there are a number of different interpretations, depending on which jurisdiction you follow. Largely it is decided in a way that fits within the specific private legal sector, and can be modified or changed to reflect areas of weakness as they arise. This flexibility, however, comes at the price of certainty, and it is often complicated to effectively and definitively determine who has what right at what time. .....


20. The Fairness Of Minimising Liability In Tort
..... The law of tort governs the behaviour of the citizen towards his fellow citizen, or indeed the actions of a company to a citizen or fellow company, in the absence of criminal conduct or contractual remedies. Present in most legal systems in some form, the law of tort (or delict) covers civil 'wrongs', where one party has suffered damages as a consequence of another's actions. Of course there are permitted damages that one can occasion to another party, such as one company undercutting a competitor to his detriment. Tort is concerned largely with prohibited or negligent behaviour that can be attributed towards one specific party, opening the path for an award of compensation or damages. One major point of criticism and debate in the area of tort is that of indeterminate or indiscriminate liability, which is designed to minimise the potential for floodgate liability. Tort imposes a number of criteria, which must be satisfied before a party can be liable for his negligent actions. These are naturally strict to avoid the potential economic crisis arising from a 'compensation culture'. Additionally, there is a pressure to encourage risk to a certain extent in order to promote economic activity, and to avoid easily conceding liability to encourage 'normal' daily activity. In a weak tort system, paranoia hinders economic growth and creates a multitude of socio-economic problems. From this, the conditions of indeterminate liability have arisen, as well as numerous other high standards that must be satisfied before a court will impose liability and the corresponding financial repercussions. .....


21. The Philosophy Of Law
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22. The Trust Mechanism
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23. Unemployment Rates
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24. Who Is Barack Obama
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