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picture1_Contract Of Bailment Pdf 205834 | Bailment Law Notes By Ca Preeti Aggarwal

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File: Contract Of Bailment Pdf 205834 | Bailment Law Notes By Ca Preeti Aggarwal
theorymasters learning ca inter corporate and other laws bailment i introduction the word bailment is derived from the french word baillier which means to deliver according to section 148 bailment ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 12 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Theorymasters learning ca inter corporate and other laws bailment i introduction the word is derived from french baillier which means to deliver according section defined as delivery of goods by one person another for some purpose upon a contract that they shall when accomplished be returned or otherwise disposed off directions delivering them called bailor whom are delivered bailee x delivers watch repairing y example his repair piece cloth tailor stitched into stitching suit it ii essential elements may expressed implied law examples car keys mechanic between finder owner consideration not necessary in case mutual benefit there both parties either alone detriment suffered parting with possession considered sufficient support promise on part return involves purposes only moveable never immovable money following kinds actual physically handed over workshop constructive do something has effect putting key dealer must intended generally temporary common carrier carriage buyer wrong does ...

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