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picture1_Contracts Pdf 202186 | Part 2 Unit 2ː Bailment And Pledge

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File: Contracts Pdf 202186 | Part 2 Unit 2ː Bailment And Pledge
bailment and pledge 1 29 unit 2 bailment and pledge learning outcomes after studying this unit you would be able to understand the general principles underlying contracts of bailment and ...

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...Bailment and pledge unit learning outcomes after studying this you would be able to understand the general principles underlying contracts of know duties rights parties distinction between by finder lien pawnee pawnor mercant particular ile bailor goods agent bailee what is word has been derived from french ballier which means deliver etymologically handing over or change possession as per section act delivery one person another for some purpose upon a contract that shall institute chartered accountants india corporate other laws when accomplished returned otherwise disposed according directions delivering them called whom they are delivered example where x delivers his car repair y piece cloth tailor stitched into suit it analysis essential elements based may express implied no consideration necessary create valid b involves purposes only moveable never immovable money following kinds i actual physically handed eg workshop ii constructive made doing anything effect putting in any auth...

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