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picture1_Unit 2

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Unit 2

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Unit offer and acceptance structure objectives introduction what is an how made to whom legal rules for a valid cross offers standing acceptence who can accept communication of co nmunication contracts over telephone revocatiori revocation revocotion cornmunicarion lapse let us suxn up key words answers check your progress terminal questions exercises i after studying this you should be able explain the meaning describe distinguish from tender regarding when lapses in learnt that agreement enforceable by law contract become must have certain essential elements also there at least two parties one making other accepting thus its general are starting points will learn about various communicated they revoked lawful called roposal proposal synonymous used interchangeably section defines term as follows person signifies another his willingness do or abstain doing anything with view obtaining assent such act abstinence he said t make above definition notice involves following it expression re...

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