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picture1_Tourism Pdf 200091 | Sugeng Hariadi Indonesia Sustainable Tourism Resilience

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File: Tourism Pdf 200091 | Sugeng Hariadi Indonesia Sustainable Tourism Resilience
article indonesia sustainable millennial asia 1 23 tourism resilience 2022 association of asia scholars in the covid 19 reprints and permissions in sagepub com journals permissions india pandemic era doi ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 09 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Article indonesia sustainable millennial asia tourism resilience association of scholars in the covid reprints and permissions sagepub com journals india pandemic era doi home mla case study five indonesian super priority destinations joshi maharani wibowo sugeng hariadi abstract this was conducted to know research done through a qualitative approach then analyzed based on sentiment analysis theory data used are review related destina tions which borobudur temple lake toba labuan bajo mandalika likupang since january march from tripadvisor result shows that dur ing does not have strong enough facing unstable recessions conditions following new trends emerged or after ends provides two recommendations overcome those problems needs develop local activities e concept b tour ism activity must integrate with digitalization wisdom create common branding destination keywords faculty business economics universitas surabaya city east java corresponding author tenggilis mejoyo street kali rungku...

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