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picture1_Logic Programming Pdf 197467 | History

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File: Logic Programming Pdf 197467 | History
logic programming robert kowalski 1 introduction the driving force behind logic programming is the idea that a single formalism suces for both logic and computation and that logic subsumes computation ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Logic programming robert kowalski introduction the driving force behind is idea that a single formalism suces for both and computation subsumes but as this series of volumes proves broad church with many denomi nations communities coexisting in varying degrees harmony computing similarly made up competing approaches divided into largely disjoint areas such databases articial intelligence onthesurface itmightseemthatbothlogicandcomputingsuerfromasimilar lack cohesion better shape well understood relationships between dierent formalisms example rst order extends propositional higher modal classical contrast there hardly any relationship turing machines model relational algebra database queries aims to remedy deciency unify by exploiting greater generality it does so building upon extending one simplest yet most powerful logics imaginable namely horn clauses paper which shorter history lp s i present personal view focusing on logical rather than technological issues assume reader has some...

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