programming languages lecture 8 logic programming languages benjamin j keller department of computer science virginia tech blacksburg virginia 24061 usa programming languages lecture 16 logic programming languages 2 history and ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Programming languages lecture logic benjamin j keller department of computer science virginia tech blacksburg usa history and goals competitor to lisp for ai in s adopted by japanese fifth generation computing project prolog what is based on the notion logical deduction symbolic implementation typically mechanisms automatic theorem proving cont a constructive proof that every list l there corresponding sorted composed same elements as yields an algorithm sorting philosophy shared others not working constable at cornell martin sweden calculus constructions group france these groups want extract more traditional program from proofs very high level non procedural state must be done how do it idea separate control introduction rst most important language developed alain colmerauer marseilles relational rather than functional often best start out thinking terms with data base...