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picture1_Functional Programming Pdf 197439 | Slides Lp

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File: Functional Programming Pdf 197439 | Slides Lp
logic programming prolog rriiccararddoo rroocchhaa computer science department faculty of sciences university of porto implementation of programming languages 2019 2020 implementation of programming languages 2019 2020 logic programming prolog 1 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Logic programming prolog rriiccararddoo rroocchhaa computer science department faculty of sciences university porto implementation languages declarative together with functional formamajorclassoflanguagescalleddeclarativelanguages acommoncharacteristicofbothgroupsoflanguagesisthattheyhavea ssttrroonngg mmaatthheemmaattiiccaall bbaassiiss logicprogramminglanguagesarebasedonthepredicatecalculus functionalprogramminglanguagesarebasedonthelambdacalculus are considered to be very high level when compared conventional imperative because generally they allow the programmer concentrate more on what problem is leaving much details how solve tthhee ccoommppuutteerr specifies at a application oriented which simplifies formal reasoning about it paradigm based horn clause subset first order simple theorem prover that given theory or program and query uses search for alternative ways ssatatiissffyy qquueerryy variablesarelogicalvariables canbeinstantiatedonlyonce variablesareuntypeduntilinstantiated...

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