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picture1_Printable Inventory Form 192853 | Class Note Mm 401 Model 4 Inventory Control Models

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File: Printable Inventory Form 192853 | Class Note Mm 401 Model 4 Inventory Control Models
inventory control models introduction 1 an inventory can be defined as a stock of goods which is held for the purpose of future or sales the stock of goods may ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Inventory control models introduction an can be defined as a stock of goods which is held for the purpose future or sales may kept in following form raw materials partially finished products spare sprats etc what are factors that affect level classified according to basic deterministic model i economic order quantity with uniform demand derive lot size formula and minimum average cost under assumption assumptions notations d rate over time known certainty replenished soon reaches zero thus shortages not allowed lead replenishment instantaneous discounts tc total c set up per production run holding unit period let q units produced at interval t therefore dt qt dj cq this equation value cd dq dn optimum given by cc min ii finite having no shortage k if rum then will continue one complete moment completed e end area oab tq cdc ck...

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