unit 2 8086 assembly language programming ece department unit ii 8086 assembly language programming contents at a glance 8086 instruction set assembler directives procedures and macros 8086 memory interfacing 8086 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Unit assembly language programming ece department ii contents at a glance instruction set assembler directives procedures and macros memory interfacing addressing address decoding ram rom eprom to of the instructions are categorized into following main types i data copy transfer these type used from source operand destination all store load move exchange input output belong this category arithmetic logical performing increment decrement compare ascii iii branch control execution specified call jump interrupt return class iv loop can be implement unconditional conditional loops loopnz loopz v machine status nop hlt wait lock vi flag manipulation which directly effect register come under group like cld std cli sti etc vii shift rotate involve bit wise shifting or rotation in either direction with without count cx viii string various operations scan mov push pop out pushf popf lea lds les xlat xchg lahf sahf transfers one location another may any segment other general purpose special regi...