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picture1_Programming Pdf 184972 | Bca New Syllabus 25 Reduce

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File: Programming Pdf 184972 | Bca New Syllabus 25 Reduce
dr bhimrao ambedkar university agra in reference of university letter vide acd 590 2020 dated 18 12 2020 the 25 reduced syllabus of bachelor of computer application b c a ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Dr bhimrao ambedkar university agra in reference of letter vide acd dated the reduced syllabus bachelor computer application b c a for session to be uploaded on concerned college login id through website three year degree course with effect from detailed first semester paper code fundamentals and ms office unit i introduction computers block diagram types features mini micro mainframe super programming languages machine assembly high level memory primary avgnd secondary ram rom prom eprom storage devices fd cd hd pen drive o scanners plotters lcd plasma display number systems binary octal hexadecimal system conversion simple addition subtraction multiplication ii algorithm flowcharts advantages disadvantages flowchart definition define symbols iii services s dos files directories batch iv windows control panel icons accessories paintbrush v editors word processors basic concepts examples spread sheets database packages purpose usage command creation access powerpoint suggested books ra...

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