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File: Bcasyl
under graduate bca marks distribution bca sl no semester papers exam marks 50 total marks of the internal written paper a b assesment marks st 1 1 bca 101 a ...

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...Under graduate bca marks distribution sl no semester papers exam total of the internal written paper a b assesment st nd rd th interna external l course project mark details work note viva voce presentation book practical each half excluding program experiment syzlabus in detail english language grammar parts speech frame architecture sentence subject verb agreement problems with verbs main and subordinate active passive voice infinitives participles tense adjectives adverbs pronouns prepositions conjunctions ellipsis negatives punctuation capitals rules spellings common misuse confusion writing skills summary letter document translation ref oxford dictionary by sylvia chalker edmond weiner functional communication process effective speaking listening non verbal interviewing being interviewed group discussions meetings oral basic ewer glatorre longman mastering n stanton macmillan india for engineering students dr cauveri isbn spoken self learning guide to conversion practice v sasikum...

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