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picture1_Python Network Programming Pdf 192306 | Bca Ty New Syllabus 2021 22

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File: Python Network Programming Pdf 192306 | Bca Ty New Syllabus 2021 22
bca third year proposed syllabus w e f 2021 2022 bca iii year sem v course subject subjects credits category code core course bca 501 system analysis and design saad ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 05 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Bca third year proposed syllabus w e f iii sem v course subject subjects credits category code core system analysis and design saad web development php programming mobile application chose any one from the below elective courses a computer network b cloud computing open university recognized mooc nptel swayam others or intra inter departmental linux operating lab practical total credit vi software engineering python project activity seminar windows digital image processing cyber security dip ty cbcs revised ay name of bachelor semester marks lectures objectives develop evaluate requirements work effectively in team environment as well explain need for value formalized step by approach to implementation information systems use tools techniques process data modeling outcomes upon successful completion this you will be able gather analyze specify components environments build general detailed models that assist programmers implementing it also database storing user interface input output ...

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