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picture1_Bca 222 'c' 'programming

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File: Bca 222 'c' 'programming
chapter 1 introduction to flowcharting 1 0 objectives 1 1 introduction 1 2 flowcharts 1 3 types of flowcharts 1 3 1 types of flowchart 1 3 2 system flowcharts ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 01 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Chapter introduction to flowcharting objectives flowcharts types of flowchart system symbols advantages developing techniques for computations decision making loops predefined process summary check your progress answers questions self study suggested readings friends after studying this topic you will be able describe problem solving the meaning and as a tool represent program logic sequence explain state uses develop advanced involved in etc computers are capable handling various complex problems which tedious routine nature order that computer solve method solution detailed procedure has prepared by programmer involves redefinition identification input data output requirements conditions limitations alternative methods selection most suitable preparation list procedures steps obtain generating beginning with c lists result introduces algorithmic approach algorithm is instructions designed such way if executed specific desired results obtained should precise concise finite execution m...

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