course notes for bachelor computer applications first semester programming principles algorithms as per syllabus of mahatma gandhi kashi vidyapith varanasi prepared by department of computer science microtek college of management ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 31 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Course notes for bachelor computer applications first semester programming principles algorithms as per syllabus of mahatma gandhi kashi vidyapith varanasi prepared by department science microtek college management technology bca st unit i introduction to c language history structures function building blocks fundamentals character set tokens keywords identifiers variables constant data types comments ii operators precedence and associativity expression statement statements built in functions console based o related printf scanf getch getchar putchar concept header files preprocessor directives include define iii control decision making if else nested switch loop while do other break continue goto exit iv problem solving techniques trial error brain storming divide conquer steps analyze explore solution flowcharts definitions symbols characteristics an algorithm conditionals pseudo code loops time complexity big oh notation efficiency simple examples real life v arithmetic problems add...