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picture1_Electroplating Pdf 179525 | 58912 Id Pengaruh Variasi Kuat Arus Listrik Dan W

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File: Electroplating Pdf 179525 | 58912 Id Pengaruh Variasi Kuat Arus Listrik Dan W
dinamika teknik mesin volume 5 no 2 juli 2015 arif okariawan nasmi pengaruh variasi kuat arus listrik issn 2088 088x dan waktu proses electroplating pengaruh variasi kuat arus listrik dan ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Dinamika teknik mesin volume no juli arif okariawan nasmi pengaruh variasi kuat arus listrik issn x dan waktu proses electroplating electroplatingterhadap kekuatan tarik kekerasan ketebalan lapisan pada baja karbon rendah dengan krom the influence variation of strong electric current time and process power attraction violence layer thickness on low carbon steel with chrome surya darmawan d p i dewa ketut herlina sari jurusan fakultas universitas mataram jl majapahit email bagasgayaq yahoo co id abstract usage at present is growing rapidly commonly used in machining appliance material construction as well oil or gas piping improvement physical properties can be performed by goal this research was to prove processing tensile strength hardness benefits gain information about a fluence again sthardness thetensile plating using coated method variations length minutes type testing which done are test data were analyzed analysis variance two way increased along increasing currents coating hig...

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