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picture1_Electroplating Pdf 181392 | C12s20

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File: Electroplating Pdf 181392 | C12s20
12 20 electroplating this section addresses the electroplating industry however emphasis is placed on chromium electroplating and chromic acid anodizing because the majority of emissions data and other information available ...

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...Electroplating this section addresses the industry however emphasis is placed on chromium and chromic acid anodizing because majority of emissions data other information available were for area detailed process operations controls associated with types will be added to as it becomes six digit source classification code scc description applying a metallic coating an article by passing electric current through electrolyte in contact thereby forming surface having properties or dimensions different from those essentially any electrically conductive can electroplated special techniques such loaded paints silver reduced spray used make nonconductive surfaces plastic metals alloy substrates commercial scale are cadmium cobalt copper gold indium iron lead nickel platinum group tin zinc brass bronze many alloys phosphorus materials generally specific property function although there may some overlap e g material decorative use well corrosion resistance essential components electrode plated cat...

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