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picture1_Electroplating Pdf 179523 | 295439 Pengaruh Variasi Kuat Arus Listrik Dan W Bd9046d1

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File: Electroplating Pdf 179523 | 295439 Pengaruh Variasi Kuat Arus Listrik Dan W Bd9046d1
jurnal engine vol 2 no 1 mei 2018 pp no 18 25 e issn 2579 7433 pengaruh variasi kuat arus listrik dan waktu electroplating nickel chrome terhadap ketebalan lapisan pada ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Jurnal engine vol no mei pp e issn pengaruh variasi kuat arus listrik dan waktu electroplating nickel chrome terhadap ketebalan lapisan pada permukaan baja karbon rendah hb sukarjo soelarso pani prodi teknik mesin universitas proklamasi yogyakarta email heribertus yahoo com jl babarsari abstract the development and progress of science technology in metal plating industry has become a field work that is experiencing rapid advances ranging from type coating material used results lapisannya needs not only demand resistance to corrosion but also strength beautiful appearance high economic value one them namely by means purpose this research know influence variations an electric current time against thickness surface layer low carbon steel benefits are expected add knowledge about on process can apply it activities plates with size mm x number specimens coated using method variation minutes testing done next study showed highest hardness occurs long minute m keywords i pendahuluan menggunak...

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