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picture1_Oil Pdf 178143 | Roleofopec

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Oil Pdf 178143 | Roleofopec

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 29 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...The role of opec in st century by dr rilwanu lukman secretary general organization petroleum exporting countries hen wcountries was established on september it consisted just five developing who would have expected this small to soar prominence world stage little more than a decade later and retain high profile into new millennium article seeks explain why possible for group with all odds stacked against them dominated industrial powers achieve success s answer clearly lies international oil market is as valid today four decades ago further appears likely that will remain case come we now examine closely then address latin america west southeast asia east issue whether should seek revise africa middle between total population members nearly half billion founding there rich diversity cultures religions lan are iran iraq kuwait saudi guages however eleven united their arabia venezuela six other common status producing qatar which joined indonesia objectives spelled out statute libya arab...

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